On Wednesdays we (knit)wear pink 🩷! Loving how the #LimaTee pattern by the amazing @laura.dobratz is knitting up in this joyful pink. I saw the pattern at #zk2024 and knew I had to knit it. . #iknitandwearPINK #ZKenabled #summerTopLove #mydailycrafting365

On Wednesdays we (knit)wear pink 🩷! Loving how the #LimaTee pattern by the amazing @laura.dobratz is knitting up in this joyful pink. I saw the pattern at #zk2024 and knew I had to knit it. . #iknitandwearPINK #ZKenabled #summerTopLove #mydailycrafting365 https://instagr.am/p/C9QmGBCJIL_/